New Genre Starting in 2018/19 - Commercial Jazz

Friday 17th of August by Charlotte Pilkington
Keywords: Genre, Commercial Jazz, New

Commercial jazz dance was invented with the debut of the MTV video television channel in 1981

Commercial Jazz

Jazz dance is a combination of classical ballet moves mixed with steps from American popular culture, including African and Celtic dance influences. While it has become a fine art form, originally jazz dance was designed to entertain, and even the basic steps have a showy, extreme feel to them. As well as encorporating the styles above, commercial jazz is a more grown up type of movement. It begun simply as a promotional tool for popular music and became a huge success, garnering the complete attention of most of the country's youth and young adult population. MTV radically altered both the image of jazz dance and the primary format for its display. Whereas Broadway musicals and the old film musicals set the style of jazz dance and were the goal of young dancers, now the hipness of hip hop and street dance dominated the consciousness of the nation.

Our Term 1 classes will be held on Fridays 6.20pm to 7pm at Denmead Community Centre for ages 14-21.

Find out about all the genres we offer here!

Commercial Jazz

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